Lunafest March 13, 2009
Cole Hall
$5 - Tickets are available for purchase at Millberry Union's the Central Desk (500 Parnassus Ave)
LUNAFEST was established in 2000 by LUNA, the makers of the Whole Nutrition Bar for Women, to simultaneously promote women filmmakers, raise awareness for women's issues, and support worthy women's nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S. and Canada.
LUNAFEST is completely funded by LUNA and run by a small, dedicated group of LUNA employees. 100 percent of all proceeds are donated to charity - 15 percent to the Breast Cancer Fund and the remaining 85 percent of proceeds go directly back to hosting community organizations.
Over the years, as LUNAFEST has grown from a single annual event to more than 140 festivals each season, LUNA's commitment to this worthwhile program has grown as well. We are continually inspired by the individual and collective efforts of women - and we are awed by the results. To date, LUNAFEST has raised over $250,000 for worthwhile women's organizations, while raising hope and awareness for the stories of women everywhere.
The Films:
big girl
fim-de-semana (weekend)
sarah in the dark
red wednesday
grappling girls
my first crush
the ladies
kuna ni nanang (my mother said)